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Parkgate Primary School

Our School

Parkgate Primary School is one of the largest primaries in the city of Coventry.  We are a 3-form entry school rated by OFSTED in January of 2020 as GOOD operating with 3 classes of at least 30 per year group.

Situated just outside of Holbrooks, and within five minutes of three other primary schools, it serves a richly diverse community.

At Parkgate, we believe that every child has the right to achieve their full potential with no 'barriers to learning' and as a result, we offer an exciting curriculum, tailored to the needs of our children and the community, balanced with exciting extra-curricular activities and strong pastoral care.  

Parkgate Primary School is also home to a Local Authority Specialist Behaviour provision ‘The Key’.  The Key is utilised by all primary schools across the city to support children with Behavioural, Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.  Most of the children who attend The Key have experienced exclusions from their home school, with many close to permanent exclusion.  It is designed to be a short-term intervention of two terms at which point children should be ready to re-integrate back into their home schools.  It is split into two classes of KS1 children.  Each class has a maximum number of 12 and is led by a teacher and two Higher Level Teaching Assistants.  All members of staff are employed by the Local Authority and as such Parkgate Primary School has no control over the day-to-day running of the provision.  However, children from The Key are often in and around school.  The children access a music session delivered by one of Parkgate’s teachers as well as using the school halls for PE.  They also attend assembly and each day Parkgate Primary school provides their dinners at lunch time.   

In this section, you will find Key Information about our school. To access this information, you can either hover over the tabs at the top of the page and select from the drop-down menu, or you can click on any of the links to the right of this page to find out more about our school.

'Opening the Gate to Success'