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Parkgate Primary School

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum has been developed over a period of time to enable learners to instil values that will prepare them for their future.

We have designed a curriculum that offers our children an opportunity to explore, not only academic experiences, but also experiences which will support the spiritual, moral, social and diverse cultures in our school.

We are passionate about ensuring our curriculum links to the outside world and to our community. We believe that we offer our children the skills, confidence and self-belief to prepare them for their future.

Our curriculum is underpinned by our Parkgate Learning Cogs which link together to drive Challenge, Resilience, Aspiration and Pride in our community.


working with others
sharing ideas
taking turns


self esteem

Health and Fitness

healthy eating
looking after your body and mind


taking risks
problem solving
trying something new
asking challenging questions


active learning
choosing resources
moving our bodies
using our senses


paying attention

At Parkgate, our curriculum is designed to engage and excite all children. We plan appropriate activities within a theme to develop our children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in the core subjects and areas of learning/curriculum subjects being focused on each term.  The curriculum themes should develop and evolve in each class to reflect the needs and interests of the current cohort of children.

Class teachers will provide parents and carers with a suggested range of engaging and accessible activities, linked to the current theme learning, that children can select from on ‘Termly year group planners’ and/or the on-line learning platform(s).

Curriculum Themes in Years 1 to 6

The National Curriculum subjects have been organised into themes and cross- curricular links are been made where appropriate (where themes do not include Science, it is taught in discrete weekly lessons)