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Parkgate Primary School

Meet our Parkgate Family

Parkgate Primary is a large primary school which consists of a nursery, three reception classes and three classes per year group in years 1 to 6. We are fortunate to have many members of staff who all play a very important role in making the school as successful as it is. The staff are organised into teams.

The Teaching Team

Our teachers and support staff work hard to provide the very best teaching and learning opportunities for every child. We work to make all aspects of education at Parkgate appropriate, challenging, safe, fun and most importantly, accessible for all.

This team is further divided into teaching teams who work closely under the management of an Assistant Deputy Headteacher who has the additional responsibility of ensuring the delivery of targeted learning and appropriate intervention for all of the children in their phase.

Complete Staff List

Please click on the links below to view a complete list of Parkgate staff and their particular area of work:

Meet Our Staff

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The foundation stage team is led by Mrs Claire Allibone who is also an Assistant Deputy Headteacher.

Mrs Jodie Carroll leads the nursery class and works closely with Mrs Sheona Morgan and Miss Natasha Cookson.

The Reception teachers are Mrs Claire Allibone, Mrs Chloe Parry, Mrs Amy Clark, Mr Richard Holland and Miss Monique Stretton.

These teachers work closely with Miss Liz Connor, Miss Amie Ion and Mrs Mohan Rai.

This team is responsible for welcoming the majority of pupils into school life either in the nursery or reception classes, and through building strong relationships with families, ensure that your child will have the best possible start at Parkgate Primary.

Years 1 and 2

The Early Years Team and Year 1 staff are responsible for ensuring a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage into Key Stage One (KS1).

The Year 1 teachers within this team are Miss Emily Iles, Miss Zarka Hussain and Mrs Gillian Campbell.

These teachers work closely with Mrs Mandy Rotheram, Mrs Toni O'Shea, Mrs Michelle Fannon and Mrs Raj Sidhu.

The Year 2 teachers within this team are Mrs Yasmin Duberia, Mrs Andra Chis, Mrs Natalie Meikle and Mrs Ros Cutler. 

These teachers work closely with Mrs Gail Brenton, Miss Kelly Davies and Miss Elicha Jones.

During these years, children build upon the learning that has been established during the foundation stage, consolidating their understanding, knowledge and skills in literacy and numeracy, science and social skills, as well as all other aspects of the curriculum. Children are given a rich variety of opportunities in classrooms that are well equipped, with displays that celebrate children’s successes.

Years 3 and 4

This team is led by Assistant Deputy Headteacher Miss Andrea Blundred.

The Year 3 teachers within this team are are Miss Andrea Blundred, Miss Caitlin Thomas and Mr Daniel Glembski

The Year 4 teachers within this team are Mrs Aileen Coburn, Mr Clifton Wallen and Ms Karen Lewis

These teachers work closely with Mrs Helen Fitzpackam, Mrs Raj Sidhu, Mrs Marzenna Wolwark, Miss Kiran Karir and Mr Joel Mallin.

On transition to the middle year’s team our pupils continue on their learning journey by moving from KS1 to KS2. Within a very supportive framework, the pace of work increases and the focus and expectation is for children to become increasingly more independent in their thinking, personal organisation and learning.

Years 5 and 6

The Year 5 team is led by Assistant Deputy Headteacher Mr Ben Wainwright.

The Year 5 teachers within this team are Mrs Dawn Lia, Mrs Rita Heer, Mr Ben Wainwright and Mr Andrew Wilks.

The Year 6 team is led by Assistant Deputy Headteacher Mr Lee Austin.

The Year 6 teachers within this team are are Mr Lee Austin, Mrs Liesl Dagg and Miss Claire Smith

These teachers work closely with Mr Josh Coburn.

Upper years children continue to build up knowledge skills and understanding that will provide them with a solid foundation for Learning for Life. We aim to make the culmination of their time with us at Parkgate at the end of year 6 to be one of huge personal achievement for each and every child.