You must make sure your child gets a full-time education that meets their needs (eg if they have special educational needs). You can send your child to school or educate them yourself.
Children must get an education between the school term after their 5th birthday and the last Friday in June in the school year they turn 16.
You’ll be contacted by either:
- the school - if your child is enrolled in school and doesn’t turn up (even if they’re only absent for a day)
- the council’s education welfare officer - if they think your child isn’t getting a suitable education at home
Reporting Absence
If a child is absent due to illness, parents/carers should contact school on the first and each day of their child’s absence from school, before 9:30am. This can be done by telephone (0247 6637 381, option 1 for the absence line). If the phone is busy, please leave an answer message and if necessary, a member of staff will return your call. The reason for absence should be fully explained i.e. please give the details of the illness. School can then decide which code to enter in the register.
Medical Appointments
Medical appointments in school time should be avoided. This includes routine dental and medical appointments. Parents should, where possible, arrange all routine appointments to take place after school or during school holidays. If the appointment relates to ongoing medical or dental issues, parents are asked to provide proof by means of a medical appointment letter.
All requests to take children out of school, during the school day for medical appointments, should be made in writing to the school office.
Planned Absence
If an absence relates to a legal or educational matter, written details must be provided in advance in order for the absence to be recorded and a decision to be made whether the absence can be authorised. From 1st September 2013, the Department of Education made important changes to the law for families wanting to request leave of absence in term time.
Holidays, extended trips to visit families abroad, day trips, visits to theme parks, birthdays and visits to the dentist (unless as an emergency) are not legitimate reasons for requesting exceptional leave of absence. The Local Authority and school governors support this; therefore students will only be given permission to take leave in term time if there are exceptional circumstances.
Parkgate Policy
Please click the link below for our policy.
DfE Guidance
Please click here for further guidance from the DfE website.