Parkgate is proudly recognised as an Inclusive Attendance school. Our strong focus on attendance is built on child-centered approaches, evidence-based practices, and a shared understanding of the roles and responsibilities we all have in fostering outstanding attendance.
Through working with Wayne Harris from Inclusive Attendance, we have reviewed and enhanced our attendance strategy. The outcomes you see below are born from extensive research.
At Parkgate, we believe that regular attendance is key to a child's success and overall development. We are committed to fostering a learning environment where all students feel supported, engaged, and motivated to attend school each day. Our Stepped Attendance Strategy is designed to provide a clear and proactive approach to improving and maintaining high levels of attendance, while also offering tailored support for children and families who may face barriers to regular attendance. By working together with parents, carers, and our school community, we aim to ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
The information that you see above stems from the Multi-Tiered System of Support information below.
Being at school is a very important part of any child’s life. It enables them to learn, to make friends, to gain important knowledge and to develop a variety of skills which will prepare them for adult life.
School and parents/carers are partners in making this a success. As parents or carers, it is your legal responsibility to make sure that your child makes the most of this opportunity by attending regularly and aiming for at least 95% attendance.
If pupils are too unwell to attend school, please notify the school via the Studybugs app.
Multi-Tiered System of Support
To guarantee a comprehensive approach to attendance, we implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support. A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for school attendance involves three tiers of intervention, with roles for teachers, the school, children, parents, and external agencies – including the Local Authority. Data-driven decision-making and training requirements are pivotal to the implementation of the system. The system aligns with the Department for Education's (DFE) "Working Together to Improve School Attendance" guidelines.
Tier 1 - Universal Approach: Establishing a baseline universal attendance approach that benefits all children.
Tier 2 - Individualised Strategies and Early Help Support: Tailoring strategies to individual needs and providing early help support for persistent attendance challenges.
Tier 3 - Higher Needs Strategies Support: Furnishing specialised support for children, young people, and families with complex attendance requirements, including access to external agency support when necessary.
Please click here for our policy.
Please click here
Please click here for further guidance from the DfE website.