Nut Free School

For ALL year groups
We would like to remind parents and carers that we are a nut free school.
We have a number of children and staff who could have a very serious allergic reaction should they come into contact with nuts. This contact is not just through eating, but could simply be entering a room where a nut product has been consumed in.
As such, we ask that you help us protect these individuals by ensuring that food including packed lunches, snacks, birthday cakes etc. that are sent into school do not contain nuts. If you have any queries or concerns regarding this please email
Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something that a person is allergic to.
Whilst we have First Aid staff in school who are trained to use the Epi-pens (an injection of adrenalin) which is required immediately if this happens, we would much rather reduce the risk by saying we are a nut free school.
For parents of those children with allergies in school, whilst we can not guarantee that there will not be nuts brought into school, we will continue to monitor and educate children and parents.