Additional Inset Day

For ALL year groups
Dear Parent/Carer,
You may be aware, from the news on Tuesday afternoon, that the Government announced that schools are able to introduce an additional Inset day on the last Friday of this term, the 18th December.
After discussions with the CEO of the Trust yesterday, and ratification at the Governors meeting yesterday evening, we can confirm that on Friday 18th December, school will be closed to children. Therefore, the final day of term will be Thursday 17th December.
The reasons for the additional day are to allow there to be a "clear six days" so that by Christmas Eve school leaders can have a "proper break" without having to engage in track and trace.
With that being said, there will be a few individuals who will support keeping you all informed and safe over Christmas and the New Year period. Please be reminded to continue to inform us via the email of positive cases, or contact with positive cases, as this may impact on the return to school in January.
A final reminder that children will return to school on Tuesday 5th January 2021.
Lastly, I have never been as proud to be head of Parkgate as I have been through this COVID period...we have special children, special staff and special families, who have pulled together to support each other through some really trying and testing times.
I know we aren't there yet, but please have an amazing Christmas (bubbles permitting!) and a well-deserved rest!
Stay safe and many thanks for your continued support.
Mrs. Zoe Richards