Christmas Dinner

For ALL year groups.
You will now be able to access the menus for the remainder of this term on ParentPay.
Please be reminded that you need to order for the following week by midnight on the Wednesday of the week before. There is nothing stopping you booking all of the meals in one go. In January, we will launch our new menus. More information to follow.
Christmas Dinner day has been set as Friday 11th December. If you would like your child to have a Christmas Dinner, this will need to be ordered on ParentPay before Wednesday 2nd December. As is the tradition at Parkgate on Christmas Dinner day, children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper in place of their school jumper.
Some parents have started to ask about Christmas cards. We do not have an issue with children sending Christmas cards, but will have to manage it in a very careful way due to the potential transmission of Coronavirus. As part of Christmas celebrations, we have decided that we will run a Christmas Post-box competition across school. Each class will design their own box with prizes for the winning classes. Children can then bring cards into school and post hem in their class box. The last date for bringing cards into school will be Friday 11th December (the same day as Christmas Dinner day). This will then mean that cards will have been quarantined long enough to be distributed to children in the last week of term. This should reduce individual anxieties around receiving items from other households. Class teachers will have a class list available for parents containing the children in their class. This will be first name only. When posting cards please ensure that you write the recipient’s name and class on the front.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Mrs. Zoe Richards