Save the Children

For ALL year groups
This year, as one of our initiatives, Parkgate Primary School are focusing on ensuring our school meets the requirements of the School of Sanctuary Award. It is an initiative that celebrates good practice of schools who foster a culture of welcome and inclusion for all, especially asylum seeking and refugee families. Through this we aim to demonstrate our commitment to creating a safe environment that benefits everybody, including anyone in its community who is seeking sanctuary. We will continue to help our children to make sense of the world and to understand what it means to be seeking sanctuary.
As part of making positive changes in the community and ensuring our children understand their role as responsible citizens, we are holding a fund raising event on Friday 6th November. The purpose of this is to raise money for Save the Children charity. We are asking the children to wear odd socks and, if possible, to bring in a small donation. We will also be having a movie afternoon on this day.