Return to School

For ALL year groups.
As we prepare for what will undoubtably be another half term of unpredictability, we are looking forward to welcoming our children back to school.
As we have seen in the national media, we are entering another period of wider lockdown with further restrictions.
We share the Government’s commitment to keep schools open. However, much of this will be dependant upon bubbles staying open and the availability of staff. Staff members, or their family members, isolating could impact on this.
You can help us to keep staff and children safe by:
- Wearing a properly fitted mask on school site at all times
- Following our one way system
- Utilising the extended drop off and collection times to reduce crowding and allowing older children who are responsible to walk to classrooms on their own.
- Being good role models and observing social distancing between each other and not crowding around classroom doors to speak to staff at the start and end of day.
- Keeping your child/ren off school if they are unwell
- Keeping us informed of any tests and results via or by telephone.
Our extensive Risk Assesment, available on the website, is reviewed regularly. In light of current guidance, some of our further changes in school are:
- Staff will be required to wear masks in communal and shared areas and when moving around inside.
- Further restrictions of movement across school
Whilst it has been great to interact on the school gates and around the site, we have taken the decision to limit this in order to further avoid face to face contact for staff. This in turn, will limit risk and support more staff being available to work with the children. The element of trust in doing this, is that parents will follow our guidelines without it being policed. If there are issues with certain individuals, please let us know so that they can be challenged as it is a shared responsibility.
This is an alien way of working for us at Parkgate. Rest assured we are available to contact via email or at the end of the phone. We will support as best we can, whilst keeping everybody as safe as possible. We don’t want anybody to feel isolated, remember we have the Overcoming Barriers Team too!
Hope you are safe and well. See you tomorrow.