Past Student Success Story

For ALL Year Groups
We thought we would share, after consent from our former student, an email Mrs Richards received earlier this term. Certainly has made a lot of people feel extremely proud and shows what can be achieved with an aspiration, hard work and dedication. Good Luck Kogulan!
Dear Mrs Richards,
I hope you are well during these challenging times. I am sure that you have been very busy over the past few weeks as Parkgate adjusts to the safety measures and restrictions put in place by the government. My headmaster at Bablake was almost in tears as students departed on the 20th of March and you must have felt much the same when the school closed down. It must have been a welcome sight to see some of your pupils return and see their smiles once more.
School is such a vital part of many children's livelihoods, and for people like myself, can often be an integral contributor to their wellbeing. I was understandably distraught at the cancellation of my A-Level exams but soon realised it was the smaller things that I missed more: the greetings in the corridor, the small conversations with staff and having lunch with my friends in the canteen.
So much has changed and my year group missed out on the chance to make fantastic memories in our final year. We all hope to meet again soon when the time is appropriate. Our teachers have been incredibly supportive throughout this period and I have been encouraged to not dwell on what could have been but instead on what is to come.
I am indeed very excited to see what the future holds. I say that because I am pleased to inform you that my place at the University of Cambridge to read Chemical Engineering is now confirmed! I had been waiting eagerly to tell you in person but decided that it was not suitable in the current climate.
Term begins on the 6th of October and I am moving in this Sunday. I cannot wait to start this new chapter!
I hope to see you and staff again near Christmas after the conclusion of my first term (Covid permitting!) In the meantime, could you kindly share the news with staff - namely Mrs Pennicott, Mr Austin, Ms Smith, Mrs Crosby and Mrs Dagg.
This achievement is a reflection of not only my efforts, but of yours and the countless individuals who have supported me on this journey. Thank you.
Warm regards,
Bablake School Captain 2019-2020