Hot dinners

For Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 only.
From Thursday 1st October 2020, we are planning a phased reintroduction of hot meals in school. As I am sure you can imagine, the logistics of this have meant we have spent a substantial amount of time to get us to this point. Please see the table below for when your child’s year group will re-start hot meal service. (Staggered timings are to allow service in a new area of school)
Date |
Hot meals to be served to year groups - |
Thursday 1st October |
Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 please order on ParentPay |
Thursday 8th October |
Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 5 please order on ParentPay |
Monday 12th October |
All year groups served, please order on ParentPay |
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be served in the dining hall, this will enable us to maintain social distancing during service. There is no cost for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 as children qualify for the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. The menu for Thursday 1st October is as follows –
- Cheese and Tomato Pizza
- Curly Fries
- Jacket Potato
- Chocolate Brownie
- Yoghurts
- Fruit
This meal will need to be order via ParentPay. If you need help with this please use the email below.
After consulting with our Health and Safety advisors, Years 3 -6 will be served in their corridors to then return to their classrooms to eat. This is the main reason for a phased re-introduction, as we will eventually be serving in 4 locations, rather than just the two dining halls.
Key information:
- We will be providing a two weekly streamlined menu (attached)
- Lunchtimes will continue to be staggered
- Children will eat in their bubbles
- Dining tables and chairs will be disinfected between sittings
- All meals will need to be pre-ordered via ParentPay a week in advance.
To enable us to best facilitate the reintroduction of hot meals, we have taken the decision to further utilise the functions of ParentPay. This is outlined below.
When logged into ParentPay you will need to click on Active Payment Items -> Make Bookings -> Select Week e.g. 28th Sept 2020 ->Make/view bookings.
You will then need to click on the options you would like for your child. Please note that if you would only like your child to have a hot meal for 3 days, this is ok.
Options will need to be selected a week in advance. The deadline will be the previous Monday. After this the meal options will disappear. If the meal option is still visible, you can still order.
If there are specific reasons why your child chooses to bring a packed lunch e.g.allergies, please let us know and we will try our best to accommodate them.
If you have any queries about any of the above, please email