Starting Secondary School in September 2021

For our current Year 6 children.
Dear Parents,
You will have received a leaflet from your child entitled ‘Starting secondary school in September 2021’. This is an important document as it details the key dates, website addresses and procedures you will need to decide on the secondary school for your child to attend next September.
This may seem like a very early time to be sending this information out as the children have only just entered Year 6. However, the deadline for applications to be completed is 31st October 2020 so there are only about seven weeks before the decisions need to be made. As the leaflet states, you will need to make three choices of secondary school (A first, second and third choice) to ensure that your child will be offered a place, even if their first choice school is unavailable.
The online address for applications to be made is If you do not have access to the internet we can make this available to you within school, where a member of our Overcoming Barriers team will be able to support you in your completion of the form. We also have copies of the form available at our front office if you would prefer to fill it in by hand.
Before you make your final decisions, you may wish to visit the secondary schools of interest to you. Unfortunately, many of the schools are unable to hold open evenings for parents and children due to the current pandemic. However, some schools are holding virtual school tours which could still give you an idea of the facilities and opportunities they can offer your child. You should visit the websites of each individual school you are interested in to find more information. Click on the logo of the school you would like to visit. If your choice is not available, please let us know and we can support you in this.
We hope that this information will help you make an informed choice and consider all of the options available to you and your child. It is one of the most important decisions to be made to ensure the children’s future happiness and achievement in education. If you require any other information, then Year 6 staff are available to answer any questions we can regarding secondary school choices.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours Sincerely
Lee Austin
Assistant Deputy Headteacher