Path Widening and Extending

After many, many conversations...we have some news that will hopefully please some of our parents!
Time and time again, conversations have been had about widening the footpath which runs adjacent to the Reception classroom. This has been a bone of contention for a considerable amount of time, some would say dating back years!
We are pleased to announce that over the period of lockdown we have been fortunate enough to have the footpath widened. This should now ease the foot traffic entering from Morland heading towards Treetops and Years 3 and 4. This footpath is now wide enough for pushchairs to pass travelling from both directions.
We haven't stopped there! We have also widened the walkway outside the Year 3 and 4 classrooms as well as having extra slabs laid across the entrance to the field. This should, hopefully, alleviate those wet and muddy feet coming into school on those winter days.