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Parkgate Primary School

Home Learning Projects

Why have Learning Projects been created?

Learning Projects have been created as a result of the threat of schools shutting due to the Coronavirus outbreak across the UK. Based on this very real and increasing threat we fully acknowledge that the Learning Projects cannot replace the quality of learning that children receive at school however, the complete focus has been on creating a set of projects that all children can access to maximise their learning whilst at home. 


Special thanks must go to the specialist curriculum designers from across the Robin Hood Trust who were brought together to create the Learning Projects. Within the team of specialists there is expertise in all age ranges at a primary level and wide level of expertise in all curriculum subjects covered within the Learning Projects.  These projects have been with school sacross the UK to utilise, share and complement with additional resources.


In designing the Learning Projects the team devised the following principles:

  • Each weekly project must have daily maths, reading, writing, phonics/spelling, handwriting activities.
  • Each Learning Project will be based around a theme - this will remain constant regardless of the age range (although activities will differ dependent on age) to ensure that parents with multiple primary school children have only one theme to consider. This also provides the opportunity for learning collaboration amongst siblings at home.
  • Each Learning Project must have a balance between learning that does not rely on technology and learning that utilises the internet.
  • Simplicity is king and therefore the projects are intentionally kept to two sides of A4 to make them manageable for parents to access.
  • There is a recommended order to deliver the projects in but these do not have to be followed and parents can choose the project that best suits the week and their children’s interests.


What are the aims of the Learning Projects?

  • To create age specific learning opportunities for primary school children.
  • To create a resource for parents that is easy to access and use - the focus is on parents being able to help deliver the content or children accessing it independently.
  • Key learning is linked to the National Curriculum.
  • To enable children to continue with their learning at home during an enforced shutdown.
  • To enable families to focus on a joint topic and theme to promote family wide learning.
  • To provide structure and focus to each day that an enforced shutdown occurs.
  • To centralise online learning resources and links into an easy to manage format for families.
  • To enable ALL schools regardless of whether or not they are part of Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust to make use of the resources (all resources will be in editable versions which other schools/MATs can logo up, amend and improve).
  • To unite schools in collaborating for the good of all of our children and wider society at a time of need.